Students of St. Gregory the Great Catholic School will develop a personal spirituality based on prayer, faith tradition, relationship with community and living their faith in the world through service. At the time of graduation, the St. Gregory the Great Catholic School student will have:
- Demonstrated a knowledge of the Church's teaching about Jesus Christ as well as the sacramental expressions of His mission.
- Demonstrated an understanding of the relationship with Jesus that manifests itself through service and a commitment to social justice.
- Evaluated moral choices and issues based on a well-formed conscience and the teachings of the Church.
- Developed an awareness of other religions and an appropriate respect for their beliefs.
- Developed an ability to articulate one's own faith and beliefs.
- Developed the skills necessary for the continuing quest for self-understanding.
- Demonstrated a discipline of self that transcends place.
- Developed a deep sense of spirituality and a desire for spiritual growth.
- Demonstrated a sense of economy and balance in one's life.

Students of St. Gregory the Great Catholic School will develop a strong sense of self worth and compassion for others which leads to the establishment of meaningful relationships. At the time of graduation, the St. Gregory the Great Catholic School student will have:
- Demonstrated an awareness of God’s love by extending that love to self, family, friends and the communities to which he/she belongs.
- Demonstrated the ability to make responsible decisions based on Christian values.
- Demonstrated an ability to form lasting friendships and respectful relationships.
- Demonstrated empathy for others, especially those from races, religions, ethnicities, and socio-economic backgrounds different from his/her own.
- Supported the school community by actively participating in the life of the school, its mission and philosophy.
- Demonstrated a practical understanding of human behavior.

Students of St. Gregory the Great Catholic School will learn the principles and skills of servant leadership. At the time of graduation, the St. Gregory the Great Catholic School student will have:
- Demonstrated an understanding that Christian leadership is centered in building the Kingdom of God by serving others.
- Exhibited an ability to follow well in preparation for leading well.
- Demonstrated leadership in a variety of school settings.
- Demonstrated an understanding of manners and a sense of courtesy.
- Recognized the value and necessity of citizenship in a republic and community service.
- Developed a commitment to service, especially to the poor.

Students of St. Gregory the Great Catholic School will recognize the value of healthful living. At the time of graduation, the St. Gregory the Great Catholic School student will have:
- Demonstrated a commitment to healthful nutrition and exercise as preventive measures for illness and a means of experiencing life more fully.
- Demonstrated a commitment to physical self-improvement by engaging in an ongoing program of exercise.
- Demonstrated the values of discipline, perseverance and courage from participating in sports and athletic events.
- Shown the virtue of teamwork and cooperation through team sports, clubs or community projects with peers.